McDonalds Lovin' the Super Bowl
"F%$#ing Brilliant" Brief

The Backstory
“F*cking brilliant” was the feedback from our McDonald’s client when we presented this idea. He then brought his boss into our meeting unexpectedly to pitch, who in turn pulled the president of McDonald’s out of a meeting for us to re-pitch the idea for a third time in an hour-long meeting. The idea was sold in the room. Best client meeting ever.
The Idea
What if McDonald’s leaned into lovin’ it in a first-ever, undeniably positive way during the Super Bowl. The gist of the brief was to engage people second-screening during the big game that the more love they give, the more love they get from the brand. That’s what lead to the award-winning idea of McDonald’s sharing lovin’ when they gave away everything advertised during the Super Bowl to people who shared that lovin‘ back.
Creative credit: Kevin Davis, Jamie Tuttle, Zach Bonnan
The Result
We won lots of hardware including a couple of Lions, an Effie, a Chiat, a Clio, and others, but what was more important for the brand as we elevated positive sentiment for the brand and, in turn, elevated positivity for our team among our important clients. This success led to McDonald’s consolidating their account with our agency.